Three years ago today

Three years ago today was a regular day for me and my family. I was incredibly pregnant and incredibly miserable. As in previous post, I had needed back surgery and couldn’t cause of the pregnancy (no regrets). I wasn’t due til Thanksgiving day which was two more weeks. My mom had been living with us because I was having a hard time walking, standing, sitting, laying, really anything. Gary had worked that morning which was 5am-4pm. Grace and Emily was running around being themselves. My Daddy had come down a couple of days earlier cause mama was getting sick. That evening was normal, baths for everybody, dinner, story time, prayers and bed. We were all so tired. By 9 we were all in bed.
I went to sleep immediately only to be woken an hour and a half later. I was having a hard time breathing and I was crampy. I got up, got some water and went back to bed. As soon as I laid down, I was sitting up on my side pulling on Gary’s hip. I knew then I was in labor. Gary still asleep, I’m using him to bury my face into to pant. I finally woke him and he said I wasn’t in labor, just sit on my ball and wait it out. At midnight I told him we were going to the hospital. Contractions were hard, strong and regular.
At the hospital, I was already 8cm and was rushed into a room. At 2 am my beautiful baby girl was born. 8 lbs 12 oz and 20 ins long. Perfect in every way. Our lives haven’t been the same since. And I hope it never will be.

I love you Gabriella Ruth! Happy 3rd birthday!!!


Its been 2 months already

Baby boy is 2 months old today. Gosh, where did the last 8 weeks go to? I look at this baby and I can’t help but think he very existance all depends on me. He could not live without me in anyway. (Me being an adult) He can’t fix his own food, he can’t clean himself, he can’t drink just anything, he can’t defend himself. There is so much this tiny little boy can’t do but there is so much that he can do.
He can melt my heart with just one look. He can make all types of people come together in peace, even just for a moment. He smiles this big gummy grin and gets anything he wants. He also scream with that same gummy mouth and gets whatever he wants. He coo’s and babbles for hours at a time. He loves to be talked to. His sisters will drop everything just for a chance to take care of him. He loves to lay beside you and just look at you. He gets so excited to see and hear his daddy.
Baby boy has been a true blessing to many others too. My mom is fighting her cancer not only to live but to see him grow. My daddy has waited 38 years to have a boy. And he is named after my husband and his father, which passed away in 2000 from lung cancer.
I will be taking him this week for professional pics but here is just a snapshot for now…


Life goes on…

Tomorrow baby boy will be two weeks old. I can’t believe how fast time flies. He has his own little personality already. He loves sleep (who don’t). He loves to eat. He is such a little vampire. I’m just starting to heal from his ferocious latch that he has. He is so cute though, when really hungry, he snorts like a little piggy. Can’t help but giggle a little through the pain. He has his Daddy wrapped completely. None of our children has ever been allowed to sleep with us, ever. Not even when they were sick. Little man does though. Girls do now too but daddy won’t admit that he wants them in bed. Baby boy is a really good baby. Perfect in every way. I am proud to have him in my life.


Girls are adjusting, not as well as we would like, but adjusting. The baby girl is having the hardest time. She is all out brat mode. She wants it all. If she doesn’t get it, in the floor temper tantrum. I feel she is angry with me and I understand that. She just don’t know how to deal with mommy being so occupied with baby. On a positive note, she is potty training herself and doing such a great job. Less diapers is always good.

Baby Boy almost here

In just a few days our baby boy will be joining our little family. We will go from a family of five to a family of six. A combination of 4 girls and 2 guys. I never thought I would ever be a mom, much less a mom of 4. My husband and my children are my life. I may have started my adulthood out wrong but somewhere I got something right. I couldn’t ask for a more loving and caring husband and father. He is my best friend in all definitions. We can have entire conversations with just one look.
My oldest child, Random Girl, is so beautiful and so extremely smart. She has dealt with more growing up than she should have. She has had her share of sickness and had to help mommy while I was disabled with my back. I call her my “little mama”. She has this since about her, she can tell when I feel my worse and she takes over with her sisters. She has been the biggest blessing.
My middle child, Monkey, is just that. She is the biggest monkey. Always climbing, hanging and monkying around. She has hair that use to belong to a goddess and the cutest button nose. You can’t help be stare at her. But she isn’t delicate like she looks. She is a very tough little girl.
Then there is Punkydoodles. The toughest, meanest girl there is. She is the only one that has ever had stitches or anything broken. She isn’t afraid of anything. She climbs the highest playground toy, she beats up the boys and she can give you the coldest stare. I feel so sorry for her boyfriends when she gets older.
Then there is Trei. I don’t know what he looks like but I can tell you that he loves cupcakes, Dr. Pepper and spinach. He starts playing around 10 at night and he prefers the night hours. He is stubborn and can’t make up his mind. He tells me he wants out and triggers everything, then decides he likes it right where he is. He loves the sound of his daddy talking to him and starts wiggling around his sisters. He is amazing already and very much loved.
This is my family and soon you will be overwhelmed with pictures and new baby stories. This is my love, my life and my laughter.

Where do I go from here?

My last couple of posts have told you about most of the events that are ongoing in my life. The struggles, the worry and the stress. I am going to write this last “pity” post and try to move forward with good from here.
I went to my OB/GYN yesterday and we discussed all my options that the midwife will be able to provide, the problem with my epidural site being sealed (never had an epidural before but just want to make her aware of the fusion that now prevents ever having one there). We talked about my laboring options and how I could labor. We just got all our ducks in a row knowing time is close. I did ask for a procedure to be done that helps bring in labor and she agreed to do it yesterday. Hopefully we will be having baby soon with that being done.
Yesterday was also the day my mom got the results from her lung biopsy. When I spoke to her on the phone she sounded so happy and upbeat. I instantly was thrilled. I remember saying something like “you sound so happy that you must have got a good report from your doctor!” She said she had a good visit and I asked her if it was just scar tissue in her lungs and she said yes.
I knew something was wrong this afternoon when my husband sent our two youngest kids to their room. Oldest was still at school. He turned the tv off and pulled our coffee table right up to where I was sitting. He sat down face to face and took my hands in his. He began by telling me that my daddy had called him… I knew what he was going to tell me. My mom was trying to protect me and my pregnancy when she didn’t fully admit what the doctor had said. My mom was diagnosed with lung cancer yesterday and she isn’t operable.
They felt that I needed to hear it from my husband because he could tell me in person and also he lost his dad to lung cancer in 2000. All I could think was how happy she sounded. How could she have sounded so happy and just find out she has cancer?
I have scheduled an induction for next Wednesday if I haven’t had the baby by then. My mom has an appointment with the oncologist this Friday. She can make her plans around the treatment options and knowing the baby will be here no later than Wednesday.
My mind is in a darker fog than before. I haven’t talked to my mom yet. I need to control my emotions just a little better than I have today. My heart is broken and I know it’s a long road from here. I will call tomorrow and begin this new journey together. 

Sleep Please?

I am now almost 30 weeks pregnant and almost completely quit sleeping at night. I fall into a deep sleep an hour or two before I get Random Girl up for school. That leaves me feeling sick, drunk and very ill. My husband has been really great at letting me go back to sleep and he takes care of the girls. He has been working night shift too so I know he is very tired but he doesn’t complain or says anything at all.
I need to figure out how to change my sleep habits or maybe baby boy is telling me he will be a night owl party boy. Monkey and Punkydoodles are both very early risers. Random Girl sleeps til 7 or 8 so I’m in trouble if Trei is a night baby. You could write a book about the non-infected ZOMBIE MOMMY.
Good morning/good night, sleep tight, don’t let the bed bugs bite….zzzzzzzz