Sleep Please?

I am now almost 30 weeks pregnant and almost completely quit sleeping at night. I fall into a deep sleep an hour or two before I get Random Girl up for school. That leaves me feeling sick, drunk and very ill. My husband has been really great at letting me go back to sleep and he takes care of the girls. He has been working night shift too so I know he is very tired but he doesn’t complain or says anything at all.
I need to figure out how to change my sleep habits or maybe baby boy is telling me he will be a night owl party boy. Monkey and Punkydoodles are both very early risers. Random Girl sleeps til 7 or 8 so I’m in trouble if Trei is a night baby. You could write a book about the non-infected ZOMBIE MOMMY.
Good morning/good night, sleep tight, don’t let the bed bugs bite….zzzzzzzz