Baby Boy almost here

In just a few days our baby boy will be joining our little family. We will go from a family of five to a family of six. A combination of 4 girls and 2 guys. I never thought I would ever be a mom, much less a mom of 4. My husband and my children are my life. I may have started my adulthood out wrong but somewhere I got something right. I couldn’t ask for a more loving and caring husband and father. He is my best friend in all definitions. We can have entire conversations with just one look.
My oldest child, Random Girl, is so beautiful and so extremely smart. She has dealt with more growing up than she should have. She has had her share of sickness and had to help mommy while I was disabled with my back. I call her my “little mama”. She has this since about her, she can tell when I feel my worse and she takes over with her sisters. She has been the biggest blessing.
My middle child, Monkey, is just that. She is the biggest monkey. Always climbing, hanging and monkying around. She has hair that use to belong to a goddess and the cutest button nose. You can’t help be stare at her. But she isn’t delicate like she looks. She is a very tough little girl.
Then there is Punkydoodles. The toughest, meanest girl there is. She is the only one that has ever had stitches or anything broken. She isn’t afraid of anything. She climbs the highest playground toy, she beats up the boys and she can give you the coldest stare. I feel so sorry for her boyfriends when she gets older.
Then there is Trei. I don’t know what he looks like but I can tell you that he loves cupcakes, Dr. Pepper and spinach. He starts playing around 10 at night and he prefers the night hours. He is stubborn and can’t make up his mind. He tells me he wants out and triggers everything, then decides he likes it right where he is. He loves the sound of his daddy talking to him and starts wiggling around his sisters. He is amazing already and very much loved.
This is my family and soon you will be overwhelmed with pictures and new baby stories. This is my love, my life and my laughter.

All about the number

As you all know, I am pregnant with our fourth child and have roughly 12 weeks left. With our first, we had everything completely done by this point in our pregnancy. The crib, bedding, car seat, stroller, diapers, wipes, clothes, everything you could think of that a baby *might* need. The diaper bag was stuffed to the rim with as much stuf that would fit into it. I even had baby wash for that ‘just in case’ moment. My hospital bag was sitting by the door with the diaper bag. I had shampoo/conditioner, makeup, nursing gowns that was so pretty and frilly, lotion, nursing supplies, socks, robes, blah blah blah. I was super prepared.
What I wasn’t prepared for was the super unpreparedness. I did shower after I had our first and put on my pretty, frilly nursing gown, only to have nurses come in and mash around on me making me need many more showers. Then, once I got settled, I didn’t care about my makeup or my lotion. I wanted sleep. I had some demerol during labor but that was it. I was exhausted from the delivery. I did really good to get my hair brushed.
As for the baby, she cried all the time. I didn’t know how to dress a newborn or change that ewey diaper. After a few weeks though, her diaper bag all but disappeared. I threw a few diapers in my purse, I had travel sized diaper ointment and kept a change of clothes on the console of the car.
With baby number two, we were living with my mother-in-law. We borrowed a portacrib from a friend, had diapers, hand-me-down clothes from child 1 and I was going to nurse. Everything was good til we discovered that child 2 had protein intolerance. I did the best I could to change my diet but it wasn’t enough. We had to put her on a very expensive formula. We spent more money on her formula in a month than the food bill for the entire family of 6 living there. That’s when we began cloth diapers. I found an organization that would give you cloth if your exspenses were more than your bring home. I also found some old, used ones that needed some stitches here and there. Eventually she outgrew the intolerance but we kept the diapers, I had fell in love with them.
When number 3 came along, we didn’t have a bed, no disposable diapers, no winter clothes (the other 2 were spring babies) no wipes, car seat was in the storage building, so on and so forth. We were still two weeks from our due date. I had nothing but my nightshirt on when I went to the hospital. Child 3 was born within 2 hours after getting there at 2am. I was put in a room, I cleaned up, got a nap and they brought baby to me. Hubs went home to tell the family that we had the baby in the night and to bring me some clothes. By the time he was back at the hospital, the nurses had got baby some clothes to wear, an extra pack of diapers and wipes, four extra blankets and were trying to find me some scrubs to put on. I was discharged. From midnight to 9am, everything was good, I was a previous parent, my labor and delivery was textbook easy, I had breezed through the night with no problems so they let me go. On the way home, hubs bought me a jacket and the baby some clothes.
I think we have went from being over prepared to not at all prepared and I have to say, my last birth was the best. I guess it’s all in the numbers. I am more prepared with this one than last but I’m not worried about what I do and don’t have. We have a wonderful family that is and will be taken care of. As far as diapers, we can stop at the store on the way home ;o)~