10 things that being a wife and mommy has taught me


1. Being a lone person made me weak. If I was tired or hurting, I just didn’t do it.

2. I have many faces. Wife, mommy, cook, taxi, doctor, councilor, judge, jury, maid, referee, supporter, advocate, help meet, best friend…

3. I don’t enjoy the things I love. I love the things I don’t enjoy. If I can’t share it with my family, I don’t want anything to do with it.

4. I’m much stronger than I think I am. I must be. My kids think I’m Super Woman

5. There is always something to cook. Kids let you know that because there’s no food doesn’t mean you can’t come up with something.

6. My husband’s voice can calm me better than any drug or alcohol.

7. A shower alone is a treasured moment, even if only long enough to get soap in your eyes

8. A lost blanket can cause your ears to bleed

9. Being my husband’s help meet has filled my life more than I could have ever imagined

10. Each moment passed is a moment gone. Can’t get that moment back. Better pay attention and cherish it, even the bad, cause now it’s a memory

When its red paint

I’m sitting here in my bathtub looking at what a week ago made me so angry, today makes me laugh. See, a week ago me and the kids came home from my parents pulling a trailer with a lawn mower and a gallon of red oil based paint in it. It just happened that the paint turned over and spilled.
My 5 and 3 just thought that was the coolest thing to play in while I was in the house unpacking all our stuff. There was red paint all over them. More of the paint on them than in the trailer. I was seeing red beyond the paint. Had them come in and take a bath which left my tub red. Not bad but red.
The next day, the same two girls sneak outside and play again. This time more red gets on them. They decide to wash the baby boys white blonde hair in it. I thought I was going to die. I couldn’t even speak. I text Mr so see if he knew what to do, he asked his mom (professional painter) and we only come up with WD40. I run through the house pulling stuff out with no avail. Ran to the bathroom and saw my coconut oil that I use for my hair. I get a chuck of it and started slathering it all in his hair. Guess what?! The paint turned to water!!! It took it off his severe eczema rashed skin too without irritating it more he is flared due to the trip.  (Thank you LouAna) I tested it on the tub and it wiped the paint right out. (So if you ever need to remove oil based paint easily and quickly, reach for the pure coconut oil.)
Back to sitting in the tub. I see this red paint that is still everywhere and I think how funny it was that I was so angry and upset. These are little moments that are funny. They happen all the time but the funny part is always seen after the fact. You know what, paint can be cleaned up. I’m not so sure now that I really want it all cleaned…


A lot in a week

I love my little family. Most of you know that already. Everyday is a new challenge, a new adventure. I have spent the first of the week preparing for the end of the week. My oldest started school on Wednesday at The Academy of Hope. We had school supplies we needed to get and she is required to wear a uniform. She has been very vocal lately about being more modest and wearing more dresses and skirts. I did try my best to find things she could use at school and be comfortable in.
The school is a public charter school in its second year. Last year it shared a new building with a church. This year, they have bought their own building. It is a very old school that has been a little of everything. The school has less than 200 students and faculty. The building they are in now is tiny. Maybe 20 classrooms. The school started with grades K-4 last year and added fifth this year. They will continue to add a grade each year up to eighth. It’s also a year around school. The calendar fits families here much better than just the summer off calendar.
Also this week, I had a little minor surgery on my hip. When Baby Boy was born, I had a lump to come up on my right hip. It showed up that night, just out of the blue. It had been 8 weeks and hadn’t shrunk nor did it get any bigger. My surgeon said the it seemed to be a fibrous mass and he couldn’t needle biopsy it, it would need to be removed. He wasn’t very concerned about the lump but with the recent history of cancer with my mom, he just wanted to be on the safe side. So yesterday, I had it removed. Very simple, less than 2 hours in and out of the hospital. I will get the results sometime next week.
One last thing, with the pain medicine, it makes me groggy and drunk. Last night when we were in bed, I was falling asleep with my hand on my husband’s chest. He was watching some action something on tv. I dozed off, then suddenly I jumped and screamed “NO!!!” at him. I instantly woke and was embaressed, hubs was in shock, afraid to move, then started laughing uncontrollably at me. I had dreamed the hubs was about to “Gibbs” slap Gibbs (NCIS). I was terrified and screamed at him before he could follow through. Apparently I thought it was very real and literally screamed at my husband in my sleep. I think he will crack up the next time he sees a “Gibbs” slap 😉




Have you ever walked into a room and say “who made this mess?” And the response is always “NOT ME!!!” Yeah, me too. The thing is “not me” has a sister. Yep you guessed it…”she did it” and a brother “wasn’t my fault” and don’t forget the crazy red headed stepchild “I don’t know”. These phrases come out of my children’s mouth like second nature. I just don’t get it, why? When these things are said, they know everybody gets in trouble. (The middle child does try to throw blame at the baby and she usually accepts it too). It becomes funny in a way, when you are watching quietly or they are caught red handed. They still try the “not me”.
So my question lately when they say this is “who is not me?” The girls stop and stare at each other and of course, huh? comes out. Then they ask me the same question. I tell them that “I don’t know who this “Not Me” person is but when I find them, they are in a heap of trouble.” They usually giggle then start fixing whatever the problem was to start with.
I think I’m going to design me a wanted poster to put up on the fridge and in their room to remind them that the “NOT ME” Family is not wanted here and to move on. That way everybody doesn’t get in trouble and we can live happily ever after…